Last summer when I went to the States, I bought a bottle of Peter Thomas Roth's well-known Botanical Buffing Beads. I've wanted to try it out ever since BG was recommended and bought it at one of our favourite department store (Lane Crawford,) and I figured 10USD for a decent-sized travel size bottle was well worth my money.
After using this oh-so-famous facial scrub, I have to say I'm not overly impressed or disappointed. (Although really, how does one tell if a facial scrub is good or not?) Recently, my trusty little bottle of PTR mysteriously disappeared from my bathroom so I figured now is the perfect time to try out a new scrub. But figuring out which new one to buy is taking me way too much time; so much time that my skin is now peeling after I apply foundation from the lack of exfoliation! Making a list is the only way to move foward:

Which scrub do you like -do share!
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